Articles and posts. Reviews of hardware wallets and seed phrase backups. New products. Hardware wallet market news

Ballet’s Hardware Wallet Philosophy: Achieving Security From Product Design. New Milestone: Ballet Cold Storage Now Holds $500 Million of Crypto Assets

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The team of the Swiss BitBox02 crypto hardware wallet has developed a unique product. Planning to get into Bitcoin or take the next step to take self-custody of your coins but feel like you need some personal assistance? Great, this bundle is for you! It contains 1x BitBox02 and a personal onboarding call with our staff.

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Exciting news for ELLIPAL Wallet users: The latest update includes the integration of a QR-code based protocol for linking with MetaMask. MetaMask, a popular wallet for various DApp sites and supporter of EVM blockchains, can now be seamlessly linked with ELLIPAL accounts through this secure and innovative method.

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CoolWallet is excited to present: "CoolWallet 10th Anniversary Lucky Bag", available in a limited edition of just 999 sets! Filled with surprises, it features not only CoolWallet series cold wallets but also exclusive, value-packed merchandise. This specially curated collection is designed to meet all your needs, making digital asset management both easy and enjoyable.

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In the evolving landscape of cryptocurrency, hardware wallets are crucial for securing digital assets. The recent Ledger connector hack has amplified concerns over crypto security, underscoring the need for clear transaction verification. This blog examines why these features are paramount for hardware wallet users.

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The Belgian startup Satochip has updated its products. The next-gen hardware wallet to securely store and manage your cryptocurrencies. Powered by an NFC chip card, Satochip complies with the most advanced BIP protocols such as BIP32 and BIP39 to bring you an unparalleled user experience. Learn More: Satodime, Seedkeeper.

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On December 15, 2023, the Czech company SatoshiLabs Group, manufacturer of Trezor hardware wallets, announced a significant price reduction for its main products - Trezor Model One and Trezor Model T hardware wallets.

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On December 13, 2023, the leading manufacturer of OneKey hardware wallets launched a new OneKey Classic x OKX limited edition crypto wallet. Buy OneKey x OKX limited edition to have OneKey x OKX NFT!

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Bitkey: self-custody bitcoin wallet. A crypto wallet to own your private keys. Bitkey includes an app, hardware wallet, and recovery tools in case you lose your phone, or hardware, or both.

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The Tangem Ring. This is the world's first wearable hardware wallet, which prioritizes user style and maximum comfort. The Tangem crypto Ring is a sleek, glossy, black piece of jewelry that combines elegant design with powerful functionality: Secure element technology; NFC connection; Durable and stylish design.

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Black Friday is a great opportunity to purchase a hardware wallet at a great price with a significant discount. Most hardware wallet manufacturers offer great hot discounts - up to 50%! If you want to securely store your cryptocurrencies, you should get a hardware wallet. Enhance your crypto security this Black Friday!

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Ballet PURE Bitcoin - Making Crypto Easy. The easiest way to buy and hold Bitcoin. The security of long-term cold storage without the risk and hassle of typical crypto exchanges.

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